Job Security or Exploring New Opportunities? Which Should You Choose?

Our jobs put food on the table and pay for the rent however in a 2015 Gallup poll, only 31% of workers in the United States are feeling satisfied with their jobs.

This statistic shows the sheer number of unhappy workers in the US who are just content with picking up a paycheck. Below are some tips on whether you should make that jump or stay with your current employer.

Contentment Isn’t Necessarily Bad

If you are statistically like most of us, then we have learned to be content with what the employment world has given us. Having a stable job that you are content with isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There are aspects of the job that makes you content such as the distance to home and the work environment keeps you going the doors to the 9-5 hustle. Most employees stay with their employers due to the security of the job.

After the 2008 global recession, jobs have been difficult to obtain and maintain with the current economy’s uncertainty. If you value the work to life balance and your current job rewards you with a fair pay, then you can settle on what you have and consider a change when you feel like the time is right.


Relocating to a new city for the dream job changes the dynamics of your life. Your support circle basically ultimately becomes non-existent when you move so you have to plan your life accordingly. Keeping tabs of your finances is crucial to maintaining your life in an unknown place.

The worse thing that could happen is leaving yourself penniless in a big city like New York. Ensure that the job you have gone for leaves you at a financial advantage than you previously were to be able to live comfortably.

Owning A Business

They say that if you love your job is like having no job at all. If you are passionate about something and it is a viable method of earning money, then owning a business is one of the best things you can do. Subject to sufficient start-up capital and clearances, becoming your own boss is the best feeling.

You can kick-start your new career by researching the requirements of how to create a successful business. The financial and legal aspects of it can be daunting at first so make sure you are realistic when starting up.

Confidence Is Key
Leaving your comfort zone can leave the most relaxed person feel anxious. Whether making that jump to a better job in a big city or going alone by opening a new business, it is important that you believe in what you are going to do.

By building a base of self-confidence will enable you to quickly settle into your new ventures and making a success out of it.

Our careers evolve from our childhood aspirations of being an NBA star or an astronaut to our college years settling for a decent office job.

If you are one of the lucky ones, you have worked hard enough or was in the right place introducing you to your dream job. The key thing to remember that any changes you make, does not not necessarily be your last.